The Crucifixion and the Shroud's Global Directory

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Chris Knabenshue



Chris as been doing research on the Shroud of Turin since his first year in Catholic seminary studies in 2000. In 2001, Chris put together a small presentation on the forensics of the crucifixion and the Shroud of Turin for a seventh and eighth grade class at his home parish in South Bend, Indiana. Seeing that the topic was of great interest, he expanded this presentation and began offering it to different parishes, organizations, and other groups. He has currently traveled to six different states presenting on the Shroud of Turin. He was also asked by Dr. Gilbert Lavoie, a good friend and the catalyst for his interest in the Shroud, to deliver the talk of Fr. Walter Abbott at the 2001 Dallas International Conference of the Shroud of Turin. Through this humbling experience, Chris has made many connections with the researchers and scientists directly involved in Shroud research. He is currently the president of the Shroud of Turin Society of Northern Indiana which commits itself to educating the public on the Shroud of Turin as a means of a tool of evangelization. Using his background in Theology and Philosophy, he has written a chapter in Dr. Bart Saucelo's Revised Second Edition of Resurrection Documented: A Window to the Supernatural, which discusses the Shroud within the context of the miracle of the Resurrection. In the summer of 2005 he launched The Crucifixion and the Shroud website ( in an attempt to bring the science, the history, and the meaning of both the Crucifixion of Jesus and the Shroud of Turin in a powerful and visual way to the level of the lay person.

Scope & Content of Presentation:

Chris's main presentation "The Crucifixion and the Shroud" is a dramatic presentation on the forensics of the Crucifixion and the much disputed Shroud of Turin using all five senses of the body. The first section of the presentation draws on Chris's past experience in acting and dramatically takes the participant through the process of crucifixion. It utilizes many pictures, props, and replicas of First Century crucifixion instruments as well as something to taste and smell. The second part of the presentation is on the Shroud of Turin. This is mostly an overview of the science and history of the Shroud, brought down to the level of the lay person. This section also uses several images to illustrate what is being said. In between the Crucifixion and the Shroud sections, a brief meditation slide show is presented to highlight the spiritual nature of the subject. Before and after the presentation, questions are welcomed, and visitors are allowed to browse and view the hands-on exhibit. Which features, above other things, plants from Israel that are believed to have been used for the crown of thorns, and an actual relic (piece of) the Shroud. Both of these items were generously donated to the exhibit. The presentation itself lasts one hour. More information on this presentation, including pictures of the exhibit, can be found at

Equipment Requirements:

All of the equipment for this presentation is already owned, although, depending on location of the presentation, it is very helpful that the host have: a large screen, LCD Projector, and Sound equipment. Long tables for the exhibit are needed for any presentation.

Area of Country available for speaking:

Chris will travel anywhere, given adequate time for planning and scheduling. Depending on the location of the presentation, the exhibit might have to be limited due to traveling limitations.


No fee is ever required. Where there is burdensome travel or lodging, those needs are expected to be met. Gift donations are accepted to help alleviate year-round expenses and improvements.